a choice that change my life

Jumat, 26 Oktober 2012

Krung Thai Bank Training Center (Energy Efficiency Building)

Sebenarnya ini tugas report, tentu saja foto yang kumasukkan ke tugas bukan ini. Just for share :)


· To know how Krung Thai Bank make energy efficiency building. 
· To know how they adapt the environment to building. 


 Efficient building in Krung Thai Bank Company.
Energy Family in Krung Thai Training Center


The building behind the trees
Daylighting from the roof

Always eat halal food with Tooba from Pakistan :D


Krung Thai bank is largest state owned financial institution in Thailand and under the license issued by the Ministry of Finance. Krung Thai Bank was concern about efficiency energy in Building. Mr.Tassaphon Klincharoen as a first vice president & manager of corporate governance and social responsibility department explained about how built and running energy efficiency in Kao Yai Training Center and Krung Thai Bank Pcl., (Nana Nua Building). 
Krung Thai Bank Pcl., (Nana Nua Building) got the appreciation: Thailand’s Winner in New And Existing Building Category and Asian 2nd Runner Up in New And Existing Building Category. This building use insulating glass and aluminum cladding to avoid sun radiation, it reduces heat inside of building. For cooling system, Nana Nua Building use chiller with computerized and control with VSD (Variable Speed Drive). When the temperature stable, pump will reduce velocity from 100/s to 50/s. The cooling system with chiller, save electricity from 1 kWh to 0.6 kWh. This building use LED lamp and natural light in lighting system. In other way, it have high quality white floor which reflected light. 
The other building, Kao Yai Training Center got the appreciation: Thailand’s Winner in Tropical Building Category and Asian 1st runner up in Tropical Building Category. It built in 20 years ago in 44 Ha. The building use and adapt from environment. Trees, landscape, and lake are important things for building. 
Kao Yai Training Center is tropical building which need cooling system. Shows in Figure 1c, the wind that passes lake and goes into the building makes good air circulation. Trees become natural shading and protect the building from sun radiation . All of the chamber designed with good ventilation and only use air conditioner in some room. 
Figure 1a shows natural day lighting from the roof in main chamber. Lamps install around roof, they will active in night. Room at Kao Yai Training Center designed with wide window or glass to permit day lighting from outside. This building also have solar photovoltaic panel that produce 1MW for support electricity. 


Krung Thai Bank built energy efficiency buildings to save money. The other reason, they built it because they also concern about global warming. They know how to save earth by save energy in their buildings. 


 Krung Thai Bank adapts the environment to make energy efficient building. They use day lighting and good ventilation to reduce energy consumption in lighting and cooling.


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