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Jumat, 26 Oktober 2012

Wind Turbine, Electric Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT) Packhong

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To know how to generate electricity from pumped storage power plant.
To know how to generate electricity from wind turbine. 


Wind turbine and water storage for hydropower.
Wind turbine

Grup photo

EGAT Packhong

me :p


Lam Takhong Pumped Storage Power Plant is first and only underground power plant in Thailand. It is located at area between Pak Chong district and Si Kiew district in Nakhon Ratchasima province. Hydro power takes from Lam Takhong Dam. The dam was originally built in 1974 for irrigation and water supply, they started use pumped storage power plant in 2004.

The electricity are generate from conventional hydro power and pumped storage power plant. The pumped storage power plant is operated by using exceed electricity when the demand for electricity is low, when midnight until early morning. The exceed electricity use to pump water from lower reservoir to upper reservoir via two 650 m (2,133 ft) long, 6 m (20 ft) diameter penstocks (Figure 2b). The power station is a pumped-storage type and contains two 250 MW reversible pump-generators. Then the water passes turbine to generate electricity during peak demand period, morning until night. The water from turbine sent back to the dam and generates electricity with conventional hydro power.

There are four advantages of pumped storage power plant:
- Energy production: Maximum power from Packhong power plant is 1000MW and it generates energy 4000 million kWh per year.
-Energy accumulation process: Pumped storage power plant haves high efficiency because they pumped water during low demands period and release water during peak period.
-Decrease the investment: the power plant only requires small construction area, about 2 km2.
-Optimum use of water: they pumped water from lower reservoir to upper reservoir and release again to lower reservoir. So they don’t waste the water.
-Stabilization of power system in northeastern region.

Beside the hydropower, EGAT Packhong have wind turbine (Figure 2a). Wind in this area have velocity 6m/s until 10 m/s, it is higher three times in the night. Wind turbine has vertical axis, it generate electricity 0.5 MW. They install 3 wind turbines and generate 1.5 MW. Wind rotate propeller and it rotate turbine and then generator to produce electricity.


Pumped storage power plant is brilliant idea to get energy from water during peak period. Combination of hydropower and wind turbine is good way to take advantages from variant renewable energy in Packhong because it has big river and high velocity of wind.


· Pumped storage power plant uses exceed electricity in low demand to pump water to upper storage and then use it in peak demand to generate electricity. Wind turbine generates electricity depend on wind velocity.


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