a choice that change my life

Selasa, 25 November 2014


So far, my blog look like so randomly. I just want to pin random English words. I took these words from e-book with same title: Words in Wattpad application. There we are...

Eutony (n.) : the pleasantness of a words sound.

Anagapesis (n.) : no longer feeling any affection for someone you once loved.

Eesome (adj.) : pleasing to the eyes.

Luftmensch (n.) : an impractical dreamer who no business sense; one with their head in the cloud.

Cosmogyral (adj.) : whirling around the universe..

Petrichor (n.) : the scent of rain on dry earth

Livsnijutare (n.) : one who loves life deeply and lives it to the extreme.

Verklempt (adj.) : completely overcome with emotion.

Solivagant (adj.) : wandering alone.

Lalochezia (n.) : the emotional relief gained from using profane language.

Orphic (adj.) : mysterious and entrancing; beyond ordinary understanding.

Eleutheromania (n.) : an intense and irresistible desire for freedom.

Acomist (n.) : one who believe that nothing exist.

Aureate (adj.) : pertaining to the fancy or flowery words used by poets.

Paralian (n.) : a person who lives by the sea.

Dwale (v.) : to wander about deliriously.

Dysphoria (n.) : an unwell felling.

Aubade (n.) : a love song that sung at the down.

Eumoirous (adj.) : happiness due to being honest or wholesome.

Mimp (adj.) : to speak in a prissy manner, usually with pursed lips.

Tacenda(n.): things better left unsaid; matters to be passed in silence..


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